16:40h - 17:01h:
My primary homepage http://www.lukasgirtanner.com (and with it my blog at http://lukasgirtanner.com/index.php?title=Lukas_Girtanner%27s_blog ) is online again. The issue was resolved very quickly. The support staff explained to me that the reason why lukasgirtanner.com went down was that something with the versions of the software went wrong in March 2013.
Now, I still have to think about how to move the page from lukasgirtanner.com to lukasgirtanner.info. No idea how to do that, I tried it already once, but it didn't work out. I am also not sure who to ask, somebody from the hosting company or the domain registrar staff?
I also found the website http://billgaede.hubpages.com (via http://www.yourwebsite.com/www.lukasgirtanner.com/, and this page probably after a Google search for the keyword "lukasgirtanner.com", but I am unsure, I couldn't repeat the search). What Bill Gaede writes (I read the article about teacher authority and technology (and even intelligence) as a problem not as a solution) is certainly interesting and I will try to develop an own opinion of it. I already began writing about it, but it is better to think/reflect first after having read something as new as this criticism of the mathematical method in physics. But I will almost certainly not be able to move beyond any speculation how this issue might be resolved.
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