Monday, February 20, 2012

20.02.2012 (doz_11B8-02-18; base-36_1JW-2-K)

23:10h (doz_1B:0A_h): hüt han - i dä schtadt ä Frau gsee, wo - gnau aagluägt hät, won - übär än fuessgängärschtraifä ggangä bin; sii hät - überrascht damit, dass si - aagluägt hät; - bereuis jetz no, dass - si nid aagschprochä han. Today, I saw a woman in the city who looked thoroughly to me (into my face/eyes) when I walked over the pedestrian walk, she really surprised me. I still regret that I didn't talk to her, this is one of those missed opportunities. It is astonishing that she looked me although I have become so cold as a result of the 21th of December and the subsequent treatment in the psychiatric hospital. I had the impression that I looked to her too coldly or even contemptously, that I looked down on her (she was also not particularly tall, quite short actually). But I immediately regretted it and tried to look as nicely as possible while she was still looking at me. I also looked back to her while she was relatively quickly walking away. She did not look back to me but I was somehow sure that she was somehow interested in me. Or it least I couldn't exclude the possibility that she might have been interested (despite the fact that I have lost everything of this "trembling loving" state of middle to later December.

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