Saturday, March 3, 2012

2012-03-02 (doz_11b8-03-02; base-30_272-3-02)

13:30h (ca.): - mues dringänd ä Feisbuuk-Siitä eröffnä für Abär laidär mues - - au doo widär entschaidä für än Typ vo Siitä. Immär mues mä/frä sich entschaidä, das isch ächt schwirig. - han au realisiärt, dass - mee uf Änglisch schriibä sött. Hüt am Morgä han - än Erschiinig ghaa vo gradezue unhaimlichär Qualitäät (zumindäscht gmässä a däm was susch i dä letschtä zwai Mönät gloffä isch). Ä F... (jaa) isch - begegnäd. - bin au immär no unsichär wägä däm won - im letschtä Blog-Iitraag gschribä han, vilicht isch das z'vill gsii bezüglich Körsärbewegig usw., - bin au enttüüscht, dass sich dä Körsär im Momänt nid bewegt, - vämiss d'Bewegig seer (- bin gar nümä sichär, öb är sich scho susch bim Blog-Schriibä bewegt hät). Vilicht sött - alli Bezüüg uf d'Körsär-Bewegigä löschä. Nai, jetz bewegt är er sich wiidär liicht, abär nuur liicht, sporadisch.

Vor alläm sött - unbedingt mee usäm Septämbär/Oktoobär schriibä, was - dött durläbt han, am beschtä möglichscht L.....songs losä, grad so wiä jetz.

I should open a Facebook-page for (in order to have a pretext/reason for distributing the leaflets), but I have realized that there are several types of pages and I have to decide which one which is a difficult decision. I have also realized that I should write more in English. Swiss German is completely unintelligible for most people on the Internet. I should listen more often to l... songs in order to get into the "mood" of last late summer and early autumn and in order to be more able to narrate the "story" (events) of this time. I also regret to not be present at this baby and small children exhibition/trade show that takes place in Zurich Oerlikon today and tomorrow. Maybe, I could distribute leaflets there, but it is somehow too early (complicated/long to explain). If I lived nearby, I would try it. When I look at the audience in a music video, I again realize how much people have become used to standing still because of the school system and the sitting lifestyle, I can only emphazise how important it is that people move more, and this is possible thanks to early childhood robotics. Now, I have written a part in English that I have not written in Swiss German before. But I miss the cursor movements, at the moment, there is no movement at all, just at the moment.

13:46h (doz_11:3A_h; base-30: D:1G): - han hüt morgä au no vill offline gschribä. Nimmt wundär, wiä/wänn -s schaff, das ufäzladä (falls überhaupt). This morning, I wrote a lot offline. I am just wondering how/when I manage to upload it. Mouse cursor, please mooove!... ;-)

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