I will have to continue on lukasgirtanner.com and here in the blog soon. But mainly on lukasgirtanner.com. It was a long break, since last April, I didn't write here on the blog because I have an exam on June 11. But I wrote a lot of ideas on my local computer and on sheets of paper. I will have to make up leeway and write everything in the next months:
I will have to comment on what I wrote on reformpartei.ch in the year 2004 (I have seen that the domain reformpartei.ch can still be found in Google as a search key, so what I wrote there might still be in the memory.). My opinion now concerning the topics covered (and especially many of the concrete policies demanded/suggested) on reformpartei.ch has markedly changed now and is in many (not most, but many) cases exactly the opposite as I described it on reformpartei.ch in 2004. In 2004, I was obviously not able to see the importance of information technology and democracy (and mathematics). Because of that, I wrote too much in a conventional mindset of „globalization and free trade and everything is fine then“. This was also due to the fact that I was studying economics and not computer science yet, so I only later realized the potential and importance of information technology and especially mathematics. But I am still progressive respectively convinced of the need of improving society with new ideas, this has not changed (and I still favor for example free trade very strongly, at least generally), just not in the unreflected and premature way (ignoring especially the importance of transparency, accountability and the need for a constant assessment of the environmental impact of economic activities) like I described it on reformpartei.ch in 2004. But this is will be a relatively large, new topic about economic and research activity and society generally. (This section was slightly altered/expanded on 2012-06-09.)
What I will also have to do:
- change the present domain from lukasgirtanner.com to lukasgirtanner.info. I already purchased the new domain lukasgirtanner.info several months ago, but did not have time yet to make the changes (I tried by changing the nameserver entries, but it doesn’t work, it seems to be more complicated and I need time to find out how to change the entries.)
- on http://www.lukasgirtanner.com/index.php?title=Copyright , change the copyright from „conventional copyright“ to essentially no or very little copyright and almost free use, respectively I will have to explain that in full length on this page.
- on http://www.lukasgirtanner.com/index.php?title=User:Lukas_Girtanner and http://www.lukasgirtanner.com/index.php?title=Lukasgirtanner:Privacy_policy, change the indication how I would handle e-mails concerning the content of my website lukasgirtanner.com and introduce privacy respectively respect the privacy preferences/wishes of somebody who would write me while at the same time remaining as transparent as possible myself (in an ideal case, fully transparent, but this is a long story, quite a lot of explanatory work).
- writing a lot about learning environments, environmental protection issues, and especially transparency (the expression for it in Wikipedia is „radical“ transparency, but I would also use „automatic“ or „negotiated“ transparency depending on the context) and the concept of liquid democracy whose importance I only recently realized.
- also especially important are more diverse and also relativizing thoughts about idea of "mathematization" described on lukasgirtanner.com.
- the type of content that I wanted to write on philosowiki.org in 2010 (but on a separate page; these are more memories of the past (but important for transparency) than what I am presently preoccupied with) (new point from 2012-06-09)
- political issues/opinions, social criticism / suggestions for improvements; reflections on optimal and just developments/solutions (although I am also aware that one's own feelings about what is more just and what is less just is subjective, at least in some way) (this point was expanded on 2012-06-09)
- but most important would / will be to write more about the learning environments for children
I hope that I will make the right priorities (what to write first, maybe I just begin with some sheets of paper). (I even thought about opening another website also for the more conventional ideas in order to keep lukasgirtanner.com as it is, but I am not sure.)
I will also have to move the content describing my „autumn 2011 experience“ to another website because it was really a special time with distinct thoughts and feelings and it ended at the end of December 2011.
All in all, I have prepared the content of a lot of new pages. But because I have this exam on June 11, I will have to wait until after the exam before I continue with writing on lukasgirtanner.com.
2012-06-10, 01:49h: I have just weighed myself, I weigh 89 kilograms at the moment, so I have become quite overweight (height: 175cm). I will really have to lose weight (eat much less) after the exam, I ate too much because of this exam, my mother always prepared/offered me too much food and I couldn't say no. I will go to bed now. Tomorrow, I will have to get up earlier than usually because the exam on Monday is already at 10 AM (10:00h) and I will have to get up really/comparably early on Monday.
Afterwards, I will finally have the time to write about the most pressing issues of the last weeks (regardless if I pass the exam or not). But I have the impression that it is nothing as fundamentally new as the text in 2010. 2006 and 2010 were the time periods where I really wrote already the most important of the new content and now only additional or more clarifying ideas follow based on the new opportunities that would arise from the learning environments that I described in 2010.
I have also seen in the statistics that there was just one visitor to this blog entry here which is really nice, I am so glad, grateful and relieved to be connected. But also when no visitors are indicated in the statistics, I have the impression that someone might have read the blog. So, I am always somehow connected (with new content and not only with the already existing; and the other more emotional/implicit connection seems also to be there, although definitively not like in autumn 2011 ;-) ) which is amazing. The people decades ago didn't have these possibilities of today while now, I have the chance of putting something on the Internet. And other blogs even of today might also be read less and be overlooked which is or would be a pity (but if everything is stored (text doesn't need a lot of space), it might be read also later, this might be especially beneficial in case of content with more emotional depth; but usually, if it is not read immediately (which is a special case somehow too, especially if it is focused on a particular blog or even happens somehow "automatically") or within a few weeks or months, it might not be read much afterwards either; but I will have to write about that more too). If more people can be encouraged to blog and the blogs are also read, it can help to make the world more communicative and connected (over large distances, not only locally by personal contact) and everybody can outline her/his mindsets and ideas. I hope that my blogging is really a useful contribution, that it is (and will be) the right content (also retrospectively; this is also some advantage of not writing continuously online, one can develop one's own thoughts and mindsets without interaction, but it would still have been better to have written constantly online in my case, at least concerning the new core ideas). I have been constantly (repeatedly) thinking and also been developing ideas concerning blogging and speaking one's own mind, but this will also need more explanations in detail. A lot of (relatively) new content lies ahead but I am not sure about the relevance and novelty compared to the 2010 stuff, it might be more a consolidation in some way.
There is also a family with two children in the same town, maybe I can try to do robotics with them, as I did in about 2006 (but I would first have to ask them), should I not pass the exam (or go to the exam a second time; or try another study subject; or begin new studies).
(I will also have to change my Facebook profile picture because it is really outdated/old. But I don't look better now than then. ;-) )
2012-06-10, 15:19h: I will also have to meet people in the small group (and also attend regular worship service) more. Because of the exam, I was absent for a long time. (I deleted the first part of this sentence here; I will have to write much more about transparency and how to handle it on lukasgirtanner.com.) I will have to reconnect more to people. Because of the exam tomorrow, I also didn't go to environmentalist events that would have taken place this week and today. But this is also a chance. I have to develop my thinking further (although it is almost concluded (I always have this impression... ). And under the pressure of having to learn for the exam, I developed a lot of other ideas (although I unfortunately accidentally bumped my head quite severely against a wall a few weeks ago when I was in a hurry and entering my bed for going sleeping, I hope that this was not too detrimental, it's impossible to change it retrospectively, it just happened, but I recovered somehow).
(What was also a mistake was that I chose the wrong blog title ("babieslearnbetter"), as I have just seen now again (but I realized it earlier, already several months ago). Because I actually had another blog with another title ("lukasgirtannersblog" or something like that, which would have been the appropriate title), but it was always empty. The reason was that in 2010, I had an entry in babieslearnbetter that was really fitting the title, but I deleted this entry afterwards. And when I reopened the blog, I just continued on "babieslearnbetter" although the blog developed into a personal blog and hardly anything about early learning environments for children, toddlers and babies. And I didn't move to the other blog title then but just stayed here, although it became clear more and more that it was a personal blog and less (not yet, respectively that would/will be written on lukasgirtanner.com again) about early learning environments. Because of that, there is this somehow misfitting title now in the blog here. And it is impossible to move the content to the other blog title, at least not with the original timestamps. So, next time, I have to think first and change to another title early enough. Or use flexible enough software. Or my own pages on lukasgirtanner.com where there would be more flexibility (but no free long-term storage, this was probably also the reason why I re-opened the blog here). The best would be a blog that would have the flexibility to move content to another blog (title) without losing the original timestamps. (Maybe it is also possible to change the domain even now, I have just seen the text "You can add custom domain later." when creating a new blog, but I haven't checked fully yet.))
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